8 days Intensive Kambo Retreat in Croatia    

with Giovanni Lattanzi    19-27 May 2024

8 days Intensive Kambo Retreat in Croatia

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with Giovanni Lattanzi

19-27 May 2024

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Kambo (also known as Sapo) is the secretion from the Phyllomedusa bicolor, the Amazonian giant monkey frog. This medicine is well known around Peru and Brazil as the “vaccine of the forest.” It is most easily understood as a detoxifying purgative, immune-boosting medicine and a powerful treatment for chronic pain and drug dependency.

During a Kambo intensive retreat we can go very deep, guided by Giovanni’s many years of experience.

About Giovanni: Since 2009 he facilitates Kambo ceremonies in various countries including Italy, Holland, Czech Republic, Mexico and Peru and conducts workshops for aspiring Kambo facilitators interested in learning its application method.

This is a group event to explore our humanity together, discover our energy potential, beyond the resistances of the mind, in the spirit of Kambo.

With Kambo we access a physical, psychological and spiritual reorganization, thanks to which we transform emotional blocks, we change harmful habits and we open ourselves to the miracles that life holds in store for us. To do this process requires seriousness of intent and a firm will to change.


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777 euro (including full program, food, 3 Kambo ceremonies, sleeping space in thesingle tent)


888 euro (including full program, food, 3 Kambo ceremonies, sleeping space indormitory/wooden cabins/caravans)


999 euro (including full program, food, 3 Kambo ceremonies, sleeping space indormitory/wooden cabins/caravans, 2 massages)

Massages with Piroska previously booked:

1 hour - 65 euro
1,5 hour- 75 euro

Massages with Piroska paid on site:

1 hour - 75€
1,5 hour -85€


A clear idea about what we want to attract, what we want to heal, what we want to manifest, which shadow aspects and resistances we want to work on, helps enormously to get it. expressing the intention in a group is like signing a contract in front of witnesses who support our healing purposes.

Kambo multiple sessions

Kambo is one of the most powerful sacred medicine that strengthens focus, improves health condition and provides the energy it takes in order to treat stress in daily life. Kambo open up an inner space where quantum leaps and miracles become possible. To mine and the experience of many practitioners Kambo multiple sessions are the most beneficial ones as far as they provide a deep purge and help the body to release physical, spiritual and emotional toxins. In a much deeper way than single sessions do, multiple sessions help to deeply remove the ‘panema’, the negative energy present in human beings, which prevent us to manifest health, welbeing and prosperity.

Synergy of Kambo and adaptogens

During the last twelfe years, in order to strengthen the healing process I ve been using a synergy of Kambo and adaptogenic mushrooms, such as Reishi, Lion’s mane, Turkey tail, Agaricus Blazei Murril, Shitake, Chaga etc. After each session adaptogenic oil and a detox juice, based on turmeric, ginger, and chlorella, will be provided.

Preparation diet

A preparation diet before the Kambo sessions is crucial for several reasons: first of all a balanced level of electrolytes in the body is the very base in order to prevent hyponatremia. The body should be neither hyper nor hypo dehydrated; second, a proper diet reduces the intensity of the detoxing process which during a Kambo session is already quite strong, especially with people who are highly intoxicated, sick and stressed. Third, a preparation diet optimizes the results of the Kambo healing session by preparing the body for the homeostatic and detoxifying effect of Kambo.

Kambo, rapè and sananga

During the retreat next to Kambo, other medicine of the forest such as rapè and sananga will be provided. Rape helps with enhancing focus qand support the Kambo purge; sananga with opening the third eye and relaxing the nervous system.

Kambo application to meridian, auricular and spinal points

The Kambo application on TCM points (auricular, meridian and spinal points) helps to pilot the healing process towards specific energetic unbalances. According to TCM the four main sources of unbalances depend on different conditions, i.e. yin and yang excess or deficiency, heat, cold, dryness and damp.

The emotional side of healing

The application of the Kambo on meridian,l and reflexology points has a direct effect on the transformation of negative emotions related to each organ: anger (liver), worries anf guilt feelings (spleen), sadness and grief (lungs), fear, lack of willpower (kidneys), excitement, overaticity (heart), selfishnes, forgivelessness (pericardium), greed (stomach), control (intestine).



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Our Retreat at Blissdom Vis includes:

Daily Meals (vegan/vegetarian)

Rapé and Sananga medicine

Kundalini Yoga class, Nidra Yoga, Chi Gong, Yin Yoga, guided meditations, breathwork

Sound journey, Extatic dance

Temazkal, Cacao Ceremony

Boat trip around island

Nature hikes with a trusted guide, connection to water element at seaside

Healthy and detox beverages served throughout the day

Personalized assistance and emotional support

Integration support

Nature and Wifi connection always available





19.5 Sunday

Arrival day




Jam session around the fire


20.5 Monday



Opening circle ceremony


Yoga on the beach with Piroska


Dinner around the fire


21.5 Tuesday

Chi Gong with Sofia

Hot drinks & magnesium/potassium supplement

Morning meeting

Kambo ceremony

Detox smoothie, adaptogenic oil + snack

Relax time


Nidra Yoga with Manolo


22.5 Wednesday

Chi Gong with Sofia

Hot drinks & magnesium/potassium supplement

Morning meeting

Kambo ceremony

Detox smoothie, adaptogenic oil + snack

Relax time


Nidra Yoga with Manolo


23.5 Thursday

Yin Yoga with Sofia


Trip to the beach and to Komiza or Vis


Cacao ceremony & Extatic dance with Dajana, Filippo, Leon Gabriel


24.5 Friday

Chi Gong with Sofia

Hot drinks & magnesium/potassium supplement

Morning meeting

Kambo ceremony

Detox smoothie, adaptogenic oil + snack

Relax time


Nidra Yoga with Manolo


25.5 Saturday

Boat Trip with lunch included (departure 09:00, return 17:00) -50 euros

Walk and dinner in village of Komiza (dinner not included in the price)


26.5 Sunday


Kundalini yoga + Kirtan with Dajana and Leon Gabriel


Trip to mountain Hum sunset gazing

Dinner (optional)

Meditation with the holy plant (optional) or Ananda Mandala meditation circle with Dajana, Filippo, Leon Gabriel

Gong bath & Sound Journey with Dajana, Filippo, Leon Gabriel


27.5 Monday

Yoga with Piroska


Closing circle Ceremony

Departure (ferry boat at 15:30 from Vis)



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To reserve your place write directly to: shamanchant@gmail.com

Whatsapp/telegram: 00385996670955


More information on Kambo medicine

and Giovanni Lattanzi at:



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About Giovanni:

Since 2009 it facilitates Kambo ceremonies in various countries including Italy, Holland, Czech Republic, Mexico and Peru and conducts workshops for aspiring Kambo facilitators interested in learning its application method.


About Piroska (massage therapist):
For many years Piroska has worked as a holistic body and soul balancer. For 27 years she
attended different studies and trainings on massages and other healing work, including sacred plantmedicines. As a therapeutic masseuse she started with sport massages on deep tissues, later she
added reiki, thai, ayurvedic and lomi lomi massages. She works also with cupping, moxa,
acupressure, 7 levels of healing, foot reflexology, aromatherapy and sound healing.
Her mission is to aid people reconnect with their bodies generating physical and spiritual balance soin this way supporting the self-healing capacity of the body. During her massages she tunes into the
energy-field of her clients with love in order to give their bodies exactly what they need at that
moment. Piroska also provides massages that she has developed during detox and Kambo retreats.
During these retreats, she uses her knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine by focusing on
meridians and acupressure points in order to release physical and emotional blockages and support
the body to detoxify on a deeper level. Cause during a detox process the muscles get tense, she
utilizes deep muscle and acupressure points to facilitate an emotional release.

To get the best results with her massages she uses only best organic oils.
During the retreat Piroska will be offering individual massage session and guide yoga class.

About Sofia:
Sofia is a multi disciplinary artist and therapist, born in Paris with roots in Italy, Finland &Sweden, she lives in Germany since 17 years with her 13 years daughter.
Yin & Kundalini Yoga certified teacher since 10 years, Qi Gong trainer, Gong teacher, creatress of
Casa Cacao. Right now mainly sound and breathing therapist in a cardiology & neurologie clinique
in Brandenburg on the lake where she lives. Sofia is on a shamanic path since 12 years, Vision
quest, ancestral works, moon dances, fire keeper for ceremonies and temazkali from different
traditions, since 2023 she has her own Sweatlodge in her garden. www.sofiaseasons.com
So fia will be offering chi gong and yoga sessions; and will be guiding a Temazkal puri ficationceremony at the beginning of the retreat.

About Manolo:
For the last 20 years Manolo is a ThetaHealing, Reiki and Soul Journey Practitioner. He
attended the Chinese medicine school and has a diploma in Acupuncture as well.
All the knowledge and experience he consolidated into a unique set of methods that allow people to
approach topics from different perspectives; practices that can lead us to examine and confront our
"emotional baggage" and move on from past experiences. This allows us to reconnect to our center
and create a new sense of wholeness and future where Yin and Yang coexist.
Manolo will be offering LightWorkShadowWork Technique and Yoga Nidra.
Yoga Nidra is the art of intentional relaxation derived from ancient spiritual techniques which
supports your determination to follow your values, beliefs, and intentions to expand our
consciousness in every cell of the body.

About Leon Gabriel:
Leon Gabriel is the youngest addition to the team of Blissdom Vis. One of his gifts is to open the heart space by using different instruments and his voice allowing you,the participant, to open yourself up to You; going deeper or integrating surfaced parts to complete
the healing process.
During ceremonies he is there to support and hold the space energetically having experience
assisting in and guiding circles, ceremonies, meditations and voice activations during the past 5
years. In this time he has also learnt serving the medicines of Rapeh, Sananga and Kambo.

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About the hosts:

Blissdom Vis is the future proof of sustainable off grid living community hub managed byDajana and Filippo Martelli.
Dajana is a yoga teacher and a vegan chef, making sure everyone feels at home in Blissdom.She will be guiding Kundalini yoga classes, Cacao ceremony, Sound and Gong bath and will be
providing the most delicious food creations.
Filippo was initiated into wisdom of Kambo medicine in 2014 by Pepe of the Matses Tribein Peru.
He has been serving the medicine on a constant base since then in different countries and regularlyat Blissdom. Filippo will be guiding cacao ceremony, Extatic dance, sound journey and Temazkal/ sweating
Both have years of experience in various ceremonial work and will support Giovanni by holding thespace and providing comfortable environment.


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Welcome to the space of infinite potential!

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