Wild Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Extract 30 ml
22,00 €
Origin: Croatia
Ingredients: 1:1 Organic Alcohol, Sage dried leaves.
NO additives, coloring, added sugar, gluten, soy or GMOs.
Keywords: antioxidant. support oral health, ease menopause symptoms, reduce blood sugar levels, support memory and brain health, lower bad Cholesterol, protect against certain cancers, Pms.
Energetis: warming, drying, pungent, aromatic.
Sage is a stimulant, astringent, tonic and carminative. Has been used the cure of affections of the mouth and as a gargle in inflamed sore throat, being excellent for relaxed throat and tonsils, and also for ulcerated throat. The gargle is useful for bleeding gums and to prevent an excessive flow of saliva. It contains antioxidants, which may help promote oral brain function. It may also help to lower cholesterol and blood sugar.
Intervention: 5 to 10 drops per day.
Treatment: 10-15 drops, 3 times per day max.
Directions for use
Shake before using. Take directly on the tongue or in a half glass of water or tea, 15 to 30 minutes
before meals. For long-term treatment, use 6 days out of 7.
For a mouth wash take 10 drops with a quart glass of water and gargle and keep in the mouth for minimum of 3 minutes.
Mode of Action
A wide range of constituents include alkaloids, carbohydrate, fatty acids, glycosidic derivatives (e.g., cardiac glycosides, flavonoid glycosides, saponins), phenolic compounds (e.g., coumarins, flavonoids, tannins), poly acetylenes, steroids, terpenes/terpenoids (e.g., monoterpenoids, diterpenoids, triterpenoids, sesquiterpenoids), and waxes are found in S. officinalis. Most of the phytochemicals which are reported from S. officinalis have been isolated from its essential oil, alcoholic extract, aqueous extract, butanol fraction, and infusion preparation. More than 120 components have been characterized in the essential oil prepared from aerial parts of S. officinalis. The main components of the oil include borneol, camphor, caryophyllene, cineole, elemene, humulene, ledene, pinene, and thujone. Alcoholic and aqueous extracts of S. officinalis are rich in flavonoids particularly rosmarinic acid and luteolin-7-glucoside. Also the phenolic acids such as caffeic acid and 3-Caffeoylquinic acid have been found in methanolic extract of S. officinalis. Several flavonoids like chlorogenic acid, ellagic acid, epicatecin, epigallocatechin gallate, quercetin, rosmarinic acid, rutin, and luteolin-7-glucoside, as well as several volatile components such as borneol, cineole, camphor, and thujone have been identified in infusion prepared from S. officinalis. Rosmarinic acid and ellagic acid are the most abundant flavonoids in S. officinalis infusion extract, followed by rutin, chlorogenic acid, and quercetin. The most abounding carbohydrates described in this plant are arabinose, galactose, glucose, mannose, xylose, uronic acids and rhamnose.
Helpful Associations
Oregano and Rosmary herbal tea
For Blanca extract (available at Blissdorf)
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The infusion when made for internal use is termed Sage Tea, and can be made simply by pouring 1 pint of boiling water on to 30 gr. of the dried herb, the dose being from a wineglassful to half a teacupful, as often as required, but the old-fashioned way of making it is more elaborate and the result is a pleasant drink, cooling in fevers, and also a cleanser and purifier of the blood. Half an ounce of fresh Sage leaves, 30 gr. of sugar, the juice of 1 lemon, are infused in a quart of boiling water and strained off after half an hour.
Sage Tea or infusion of Sage is a valuable agent in the delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases and has considerable reputation as a remedy, given in small and oft-repeated doses. It is highly serviceable as a stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous system and weakness of digestion generally. It was for this reason that the Chinese valued it, giving it the preference to their own tea. It is considered a useful medicine in typhoid fever and beneficial in biliousness and liver complaints, kidney troubles, haemorrhage from the lungs or stomach, for colds in the head as well as sore throat and quinsy and measles, for pains in the joints, lethargy and palsy. It will check excessive perspiration in phthisis cases, and is useful as an emmenagogue. A cup of the strong infusion will be found good to relieve nervous headache.
The infusion made strong, without the lemons and sugar, is an excellent lotion for ulcers and to heal raw abrasions of the skin. It has also been popularly used as an application to the scalp, to darken the hair.
The fresh leaves, rubbed on the teeth, will cleanse them and strengthen the gums. Sage is a common ingredient in tooth-powders.
Salvia officinalis has been used since ancient times for warding off evil, snakebites, increasing women's fertility, and more. The Romans referred to sage as the "holy herb," and employed it in their religious rituals. Theophrastus wrote about two different sages, a wild undershrub he called sphakos, and a similar cultivated plant he called elelisphakos. Pliny the Elder said the latter plant was called salvia by the Romans, and used as a diuretic, a local anesthetic for the skin, a styptic, and for other uses. Charlemagne recommended the plant for cultivation in the early Middle Ages, and during the Carolingian Empire, it was cultivated in monastery gardens. Walafrid Strabo described it in his poem Hortulus as having a sweet scent and being useful for many human ailments—he went back to the Greek root for the name and called it lelifagus.
The plant had a high reputation throughout the Middle Ages, with many sayings referring to its healing properties and value. It was sometimes called S. salvatrix (sage the savior). Dioscorides, Pliny, and Galen all recommended sage as a diuretic, hemostatic, emmenagogue, and tonic. Le Menagier de Paris, in addition to recommending cold sage soup and sage sauce for poultry, recommends infusion of sage for washing hands at table. John Gerard's Herball (1597) states that sage "is singularly good for the head and brain, it quicken the the senses and memory, strengthen the the sinews, restore the health to those that have the palsy, and taketh away shakey trembling of the members." Gervase Markham's The English Huswife (1615) gives a recipe for a tooth-powder of sage and salt. It appears in recipes for Four Thieves Vinegar, a blend of herbs which was supposed to ward off the plague. In past centuries, it was also used for hair care, insect bites and wasp stings, nervous conditions, mental conditions, oral preparations for inflammation of the mouth, tongue and throat, and also to reduce fevers.
The genus name Salvia derives from the Latin salvere, meaning “to save,” perhaps referring the healing properties of plants in this genus. Salvia officinalis was used medicinally by ancient societies in Greece, Egypt, and Rome. Traditionally, it was employed to increase fertility, stop bleeding, heal minor skin wounds, treat hoarseness or cough, and improve memory function. The English herbalist John Gerard (1545-1607) claimed that sage (usually a tea made from the leaves) was good for the head, brain, and memory,1and the physician/herbalist Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) also thought that it improved memory.
In India, sage leaves were also used to treat intestinal gas, upset stomach, and infections of the mouth, nose, and throat. Historically, sage has been used to promote regularity in a woman’s menstrual cycle and to decrease breast milk production to facilitate weaning. Since ancient times in most Mediterranean countries, sage has been popular as a culinary herb for its powerful and intense flavor, especially in meat and poultry dishes.
Sage is possibly unsafe when taken in high doses or for a long time. Some species of sage, including common sage (Salvia officinalis), contain a chemical called thujone. Too much thujone can cause seizures and damage the liver and nervous system.
Taking sage while breast-feeding is possibly unsafe. The thujone in sage might reduce the supply of breast milk.
Sage might lower blood sugar levels. Taking sage along with diabetes medications might cause blood sugar to drop too low. Monitor your blood sugar closely.
Sage can increase a chemical in the body called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine plays a big part in many important body functions. Some medications, called anticholinergic drugs, block the effects of acetylcholine in the body. Taking sage might decrease the effects of anticholinergic drugs.